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2024/9/9 5:33:05发布115次查看
recent developments on dynamic controlled atmosphere storage of apples—a review
asanda mditshwaa, 1, olaniyi amos fawolea, umezuruike linus oparaa,b,?
a postharvest technology research laboratory, south african research chair in postharvest technology, department of horticultural sciences, faculty of agrisciences,
slenbosch university, p/bag x1, slenbosch 7602, south africa
b postharvest technology research laboratory, south african research chair in postharvest technology, department of food science, faculty of agrisciences, slenbosch university, p/bag x1, slenbosch 7602, south africa
a b s t r a c t
the potential of dynamic controlled atmospheres (dca) as a non-chemical treatment for maintaining the postharvest quality of apples during long-term cold storage has been an interest of researchers for decades. this article reviews the recent developments in dca technology for storage of apples. the effects of dca on physiological disorders, physico-chemical and sensory quality are discussed. moreover, negative effects associated with dca technology are also discussed. the study has shown that dca maintains apple postharvest quality by reducing respiration rate and ethylene production. ethylene-mediated physiological disorders such as superficial scald are compley suppressed by dca storage. however, the effect of dca on bitter pit incidence needs further investigation. the review also showed that fruit firmness and colour retention is considerable high in dca stored apples. although dca maintains both the physico-chemical and organoleptic quality of apples, the high risk of co2 and low o2 injury in dca stored fruit remains a concern. further research is required to refine and improve the dca technology in order to minimize the risk of co2 and low o2 injury during longterm storage.
几十年来, 苹果在收获后长期冷藏过程中的品质一直是研究人员研究重点。这本文综述了苹果储 dca 技术的进展。dca 对生理的影响因素, 理化指标和感官质量进行了讨论。及相关的负面影响并对 dca 技术进行了讨论。研究表明, dca 通过降低呼吸速率和乙烯产量。乙烯介导的生理疾病, 如浅表烫伤被 dca 存储*抑制。然而, dca 对苦坑发生率的影响还有待进一步的研究,研究还表明, 在 dca 中, 苹果果实的硬度和保留率相当高。尽管 dca 同时保持了苹果的理化指标和感官质量, 但苹果存的高风险。dca 储存水果中的 co2 和低 o2 损伤仍然是一个值得关注的问题。需要进一步的研究来完善和改进,dca 技术, 以大限度地降低长期储存过程中 co2 和低 o2 损伤的风险。


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