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出售上等极品盆栽植物 小叶菊花罗盆景

2020/3/1 2:20:47发布125次查看

一:彩色苗木:美人梅、黄金槐、金叶高杆女贞、红天竹,红叶小檗、金叶女贞、洒金柏、紫叶女贞、金叶瓜子黄杨、 红花檵木、等。 二:常青苗木:雪松、白皮松、五针松、黑松、北京桧、蜀桧、西安桧、万峰桧、龙柏、侧柏、铺地柏、沙地柏、千头柏、绒柏、香柏、龙柏球、 花柏球、蜀桧球、大叶黄杨、小叶黄杨、雀舌黄杨、大叶女贞、十大功劳、海桐、石楠、法国冬青、棕榈、剑麻等 三:落叶树类:香樟、国槐、垂槐、重柳、金丝垂柳、曲柳、直生柳、合欢、垂榆、意杨系列、马褂木、栾树、七叶树、喜树、乌桕、青桐、法梧、青枫、五角枫、无患子、银杏、水杉、火炬、臭椿、枸桔、流苏等。 四:花木类:紫荆、紫薇、连翘、迎春、黄馨、木槿、江南槐、樱花、红梅、绿梅、紫叶李、红叶李、紫叶桃、垂梅、银芽柳、贴梗海棠、垂丝海棠、麻叶绣球、广(红、白、紫、黄)玉兰、大花月季(二百种)丰花月季(北京红帽、黄帽子,曼姆等)、花(果)石榴、腊梅、桂花、榆叶梅、珍珠梅、棣棠、火棘、栀子花、金丝桃、锦带花、丁香、结香等。 五:藤蔓地被类:紫藤、常青藤、木香、蔷薇、扶芳藤、凌宵、五叶地锦等。另有各种盆景、盆花、美人蕉、金边麦冬、银边万年青、红花酢浆草、葱兰、玉簪、萱草、等绿化花卉苗木. 六:竹子类:青竹,淡竹,枣园竹,刚竹,金镶玉竹,黄竹,黄桃竹,罗汉竹,翠竹、紫竹等千亩欲买低价苗,请到基地来,我地货源充足、规格齐全、质优价廉。量大送货上门. 并提供技术指导,代办航空、铁路邮托运。彻底解决您的后顾之忧。欢迎各地客商前来我处实地看苗订货。来前请先电话联系,以便接送.我们的经营理念:诚信为本,公平实力竞争和优质服务 同样的品种,给予您最优惠的价格. new lee garden shuyang flowers flowers sales base .. the cheapest green seedlings a: color seedlings: beauty mei, huang jinhuai, golden gaogannvzhen, red bamboo, hongyexiaobo, golden privet, sa jinbo, purple leaf privet, golden seeds boxwood, loropetalum, etc. . ii: evergreen seedlings: cedar, tree, in pine, black pine, beijing hui, shu hui, xian hui, wan feng cypress, cypress, arborvitae, cypress flooring, sabina, one thousand cypress, cashmere parker, cedar, cypress ball, the ball faber, shu hui ball, euonymus japonicus, buxus microphylla, buxus buxus, ligustrum, mahonia, pittosporum, heather, france, holly, palm, sisal, etc. iii: deciduous categories: sophora japonica, sophora down, heavy willow, golden weeping willow, qu liu, straight and willow, acacia, weeping elm, poplar series, tulip tree, koelreuteria paniculata, horse chestnut, acuminata, tallow, qingtong, method wu, qingfeng, acer mono, with no son, ginkgo biloba, metasequoia, torches, ailanthus altissima, citrus orange, tassels and so on. four: flowers category: bauhinia, crape myrtle, forsythia, spring, huang xin, hibiscus, jiangnan huai, cherry, plum, green, plum, weeping plum, bean sprout liu, lagenaria, malus halliana, mama hydrangea, canton (red, white, purple, yellow) magnolia, the flower rose (two hundred kinds) chinese rose (beijing red hat, yellow hat, man mu, etc.), flower (fruit) pomegranate, bloom, osmanthus, flowering plum, pearl mei, di tang, pyracantha, gardenia, hypericum, weigela florida flowers, clove, incense and other knot. v: vine being categories: wisteria, ivy, woody, rose, euonymus fortunei, peak, quinquefolia and so on. another variety of bonsai, potted plant, canna, phnom penh, ophiopogon, silver evergreen, safflower, sorrel, onions portland, hosta, hemerocallis, and other green flower seedlings. vi: bamboo categories: bamboo, danzhu, zaoyuan bamboo, phyllostachys, jin xiang yu-chu, wong chuk, wong tao zhu, lohan bamboo, bamboo, black bamboo, etc. to buy cheap acres of seedlings, please go to base, i have to supply adequate, complete specifications, quality and cheap. large amount of home delivery. and provide technical guidance to handle the air, railway postal consignments. solve your worries. welcome all the businessmen came to my office on the ground see miao orders. phone before you come to pick. our business philosophy: honesty, strength of competition and fair service the same species, to give you the best price.
公司:沭阳县新利花木园 new lee garden flowers shuyang
经理:周友卓zhou youzhuo
qq  :50609859



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